Voted the most romantic place in Wales it certainly lives up to its accolades.

Llanddwyn Island off Newborough Warren is the sort of place where you can feel a million miles away from home.

I had one of those moments, when you feel completely present and at one with the world, all my cares just faded away.

As we watched the sunset and the birds flying home to roost I found a couple of lovely unusual pebbles and some sea glass. One of the best kind of days. Smiles all round.
I'd really love to hear about your most favourite romantic place, please feel free to leave a comment.
That does indeed sound to be a magical place and a very special day!
Hmmm... particularly romantic places?
...Venice in the evening in Spring (when there are a few less tourists than summer)
...The coast of Brittany, Point du Raz and small beaches in that area in general
...The Hebrides
...if I think of any more then I'll let you know :)
Ooh Brittany is still on my list, definitely. We will have to get Floss a passport. The Hebrides... I will have a look at that for sure! We are trying to decide a good place to go on holiday next year and that might be good with having a dog. Thanks Nadia x
Floss would love the Hebrides, I'm sure; as would you guys judging from what I know of you and your holiday tastes. And I imagine you can take dogs on CalMac ferries. If you do decide to go there then I'm available for info regarding places/things if you like. Am not the world's greatest knowledge of course, but it was the best holiday I've ever had.
More lovely photos. I really like Floss' pawprint in the sand. x
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