I've finally found the courage to crack open that pack of silver metal clay!! I've been so worried about wasting it with it being expensive that it had stopped me from using it until I realised that I had spent more on books about PMC to learn how to use it because of the fear of ruining it!! Ha! So I thought this is a bit silly, just get on with it!

After planning for hours and hours what I was going to do with it I selected a sage leaf from the garden and finally taking a deep breath I opened the packet!! According to Wikipedia sage has been used since ancient times for warding off evil, snakebites, increasing women's fertility, and more.

Marvelling at how heavy it is and how strange the thought that it is almost all silver with a bit of organic binder when it looks just like clay. It rolled out beautifully, then I pressed the sage leaf into it, cut around it, smoothed the edges and left it to dry, adding another strip on the back to act as a bail.

This is how it looks now it has dried. I used quite a lot of clay and now I'm trying to pluck up the courage to fire it. The surface is quite bitty from the tiny hairs on the leaf and I'm wondering just how it's going to look after all the tiny silver particles have sintered together.

Wish me luck!! Eek!!!
looks great to me. you could try emailing silverpebble she uses it all the time and would surely give you some tips x
Ooooh! Good luck, can't wait to see the results.
That's so funny. I am like that with my Gocco printer - I wanted it so much, but am terrified of wasting the hard-to-come-by supplies, so keep waiting for the 'perfect' design before I use it! I'm not at all familiar with silver metal clay - look forward to seeing it once fired. Be brave!
wow i bet it will be great! good luck x
Sorry about my previous deleted comment. Bad punctuation. Will try again.
That is amazing. Fire it and show us. Soon. Please? Ax
HOW TOTALLY EXCITING!!! I can't wait to see how it comes out! I'm sure it'll be lovely!
I once saw a sage leaf ring and am still drooling over it, and dream of it as a wedding ring, should Mr M and I ever get married!
Silver clay sounds like lots of fun!
It looks lovely at the moment, can't wait to see what it's like after firing. Don't leave us in suspense too long!
Oh your sage leaf is fabulous. Fire it! Go for it - it's is the BEST feeling in the world when you polish off the white oxide and there's SILVER underneath. I still gasp and I've been using it for two years.
Omg that's so cool! I wish i was creative like that! :)
It looks really fab! Fire it and let us all see how it looks :)
Can't wait to see the outcome :)
It looks beautiful! Abi
Thanks for all the encouragement!! I finally did it!!! x
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