Wednesday 26 January 2005

Making a Nest

I spotted a lovely little cottage yesterday that has just been put up for sale. I've got a feeling about this one and I've booked us an appointment to see it on Saturday morning.

I'm trying not to get too excited about it because then it will be harder to compromise (it's bound to be smaller than where we are now and there's no driveway or garage which means that I'd have to brush up on my parallel parking skills - not good!). We really need to buy a place before the prices start rising again.

We were going to buy a couple of years ago but the message on the street was don't buy now because in 6 months the market's going to crash. Of course that didn't happen and the people who did buy made an absolute fortune. Talk about missing the boat.

But it's such a gamble. Who knows what's going to happen?

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