Not very seasonal unless you live in the southern hemisphere! This was a special request of an ice cream van rubber stamp for my beloved. It is one of the little gifts that I have put in the wooden advent calendar in the run up to christmas. Ah yes, I think I forgot to mention those. I meant to write a post about them because they've been so much fun to do. It all started because usually we have a chocolate advent calendar each and this year with my diet changing and having to exclude dairy I couldn't have one. So I decided to embrace that and go one better instead of feeling bad about it and now we have one each because Mr P thought it would be unfair if only he had to think of little gifts each day which is fine by me... i've really enjoyed the challenge! So rubber stamps have found their way into a couple of Mr P's drawers. I just can't get enough of making rubber stamps. It's so addictive. In my calendar I have found lots of lovely things like little ink pads and beads. He knows me so well!!

A thank you goes out to nĂ who very kindly passed me the true blue blogging award (and helped me to think of a couple of things to put in the calendar - thanks!). I'd like to pass the award on to all the lovely readers of this blog who leave me comments. It makes my day reading them and I appreciate each and every one of them. Thanks everybody! :-)
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