It's all excitment here as we plan a trip to Dorset, somewhere we've never been before. I'm dreaming about Lulworth Cove, Durdle Door and all these other intriguing names of places to go and visit. We'll be staying in a very old, thatched cottage just south of Dorchester so all of Dorset will be within reach to explore. I'm in the middle of making a list of the best beaches, places to eat, pubs (especially dog friendly ones) and interesting places to visit so if you have any suggestions please leave me a comment.

If you've ever wondered how I package up my pebbles there's a great post at Vintage Squirrel with some photos. Thanks Katie! Katie has been making ace bird stencils on the wall of her loo recently and has a dog called Porridge who looks very similar to Floss but I bet isn't half as naughty. Floss snaffled half my lunch off the kitchen worktop yesterday. I only turned my back for a few seconds. That'll teach me to leave anything too near the edge!
Thank you Lesley, you are very kind. Of course Porridge is a very well behaved dog!! Rob had 2 six month courses as a Subaltern at Bovington, Dorset, so we can recommend a few great pubs but can only remember 3 at the moment! (I loved visiting him there, it's just lovely). The Sailor's Return in East Chaldon, Brace of Pheasants in Plush and the Castle Inn in West Lulworth. If we recall the others, will let you know. You will have a GREAT time in Dorset.
Katie x
Thanks for the pub suggestions! I will definitely write them down and take them with us. Has Porridge had gundog training? x
Oooh, Dorset! Fun! Happy planning! I'm jealous, really fancy a British seaside holiday right now! Sigh...
We got Porridge when he was 6 wks old from a gamekeeper. We have given him a basic training. He is bright, biddable, very gentle and instinctively knows how to flush birds but as soon as he goes into the tattie field behind the house where there's pheasants, he will not come back when whistled - very naughty, boy! If he ever went out for a day as a gundog, I don't think he'd be asked back - ever!!
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