I've just been woken out of my temporary blogging hibernation with a jolt! I have won the most beautiful amazing giveaway at the Mimilove blog!! I really can't believe my luck!! As I just said to Karen, I haven't won anything for a long time so I must have been saving all my luck up for something really wonderful! If you've not seen Karen's stitching and painting magic before go and take a look, it's really amazing artwork!! And to top it off I won a lovely book as well so maybe there will be some stitchery going on around here soon too!

Here I have been braving the cold and ice of the forest every day with the wolflet. The freezing fog has created the most amazing winter wonderland, with mini icicles adorning every leaf, twig and branch.

These photos of the rose are from last week before the real deep freeze kicked in. Needless to say, the rose is now hibernating too.

I've just been cutting out a freezer paper stencil with a scalpel knife. I'm typing this while I'm waiting for the paint to dry on the t-shirt. I'm so impatient that I have to distract myself so I don't pull the stencil off too soon and ruin it. There are also some silver metal clay presents in the works too but I will post about that another time so as not to spoil any surprises.
Keep warm and snug wherever you are! I am off to celebrate my win with a hot chocolate!
What a wonderful surprise, how lucky are you!
Love your pictures, especially the rose it is beautiful.
So glad you have come out of hibernation - sounds like it has been worth it!
Hello there. Good to hear from you. I too love the freezing fog wonderland- it's even more beautiful than snow. Am intrigued to see what you've done with silver clay- I'm rubbish at it. Hope your hot chocolate was accompanied with a sticky bun or mince pie... Ax
Stunning photos! And look forward to seeing what stitchery you may be doing soon...
It would be so easy to hinernate in the winter but look what you would miss, I love the photo's especially the ones of the rose, beautiful work, but winter can be beautiful if you look for it.
Hi there
I just got your email and the other email relating to what you mentioned, it says I must send you it via phone or text, not email - please could you email me your mobile so I can send it? Cheers!
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