I was very naughty recently and put in a huge order at www.artsupplies.co.uk. I find nothing more exciting than a courier ringing the doorbell with a huge packet of goodies!
Amongst other things I bought some waterproof black ink which I've been using to sketch with a sable rigger brush (see recent drawings), a pentel brush pen (a lot of fun to use), a set of gouache paints like the ones I used to use on my art foundation course, a load of new brushes, a pack of different kinds of watercolour paper, a new ceramic daisy palette... mmm.... this is like the generation game... and a layout pad for designing.
The best thing was that they arrived just before we went away and I had the anticipation of trying all the new stuff all weekend. Sometimes the anticipation is even better than the thrill of using it for the first time.
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