A lovely day was spent with my friend who has a narrowboat. It is a work in progress, a labour of love. It's dusty and smokey and full of spiders, nooks and crannies. Chugging down the canal I watched out for canalware art, little floating gardens and enticing names like Margarite and Midnight. Feeling myself being sucked into this other nomadic world of friendly words, folk art and music, nature playing out everywhere. Walking along the towpath we passed a beautiful boat, the owner smiled and halfway down the side was open, displaying her wares. I gasped when I saw it all, painted in traditional patterns, castles and roses and handmade rope fenders. A floating studio, what could be more romantic? They were on their way to the folk and boat festival in Middlewich to see what they could sell. I wish I'd asked to take a photo. With the boat moored up by the pub (in the last photo) we sat on one of the benches while we waited for lunch watching the sparrows and robins hunting for scraps around the beer garden. Good times!
I will be back soon with tales of the camping trip we took to celebrate our anniversary (with a lovely stay in a country house for the day itself) so until then... have a good week!
lush!!! i think i am even more jealous at this than at your cornish adventures, as i have been to cornwall, but this...! one of my dreams!
you are a very lucky lady indeed!
looking forward to your anniversary trip updates too!
ooh!! picture me running along the bank shouting "wait for meeee!"
happy anniversary also!one year- yay!
Hi Lesley,
I think your blog is beautiful. Can I put up a link from my blog to yours? I paint too.
Regards ^_^
Happy days indeed, and a wize move to spend time on the water. Such a lovely pace of life, it seems. The canalart and bargeware is always so colourful. Be aware of the danger of the locks though. Very interesting photos Lesley, I like them. x
next time i will ask if you can all come too, we will float along merrily to the pub for a couple of drinks. :-)
Eugene, i would be delighted if you linked to me. thank you.
Louise, luckily we didn't have to go through any locks although i have been through a couple of long tunnels. that is quite scary when it is pitch black and you can't see the end but know that all the spiders are dangling down ready to get you!! lol!
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