More often than not I have a whistle round my neck these days and I thought, why not make it into a proper necklace with beads and a leather cord. So that is just what I did. I have a green whistle too that's waiting with my jars of beads to be matched up. I can see so many possibilities with this! I will have to get busy.

Floss is pretty good at coming back most of the time when you blow the whistle or shout her name. Further and further she runs now she's getting older (11 months now), and if it's twilight then she just goes crazy, sniffing out all the different animals that emerge when the light starts to fade. She's currently lying on her bed, having a dream. Her paws keep twitching and occasionally her tail wags! I like to think she's dreaming about squirrels and chasing sticks.

Look how grown up she is now compared to how she was.

We've recently discovered the joys of having a retractable lead. Walks are so much less stressful now that she has a little bit more freedom when she has to be on the lead. We had a circular walk around the Cheshire plain on bank holiday Monday starting near Beeston castle. You can just see it on the hill there behind the bridge.

Floss made me laugh when a black plastic bag caught in the hedge was fluttering in the breeze like a bird. She stood on her hind legs like this for about a minute trying to figure out what it was, reminding me of a little bear.

We wandered along the towpath for a couple of miles, soaking up the relaxed holiday atmosphere. Then we hurried home for tea with my mum and dad, finishing the walk in record time. I think I must be getting fitter.

Bye for now :-)
These views look very much like the ones around where Paul grew up in Congleton. I love the photo of Floss standing on her hind legs!
I adore the necklace.
I gasp at the land where you walked.
Heartful, It's not too far away from Congleton. Have you ever been to Macclesfield Forest and up to Wildboarclough? We were there on Saturday, beautiful! I will have to write another post about it.
Thanks Julie :-)
We're going to Congleton a week Friday, will have to suggest Wildboarclough!
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