I hope you're not getting bored of my Pembrokeshire ramblings.
I never feel like I've been on holiday properly unless I've been on a boat trip. We took an evening trip around Ramsey Island to see the manx shearwaters returning home after a day's fishing, little puffins (oh so cute!), seals, kittiwakes, fulmars, black backed gulls, ravens and even some choughs which are rare in the British Isles.
Apparently I was 'made' near St. Justinian's. Thanks Mum for that information!!! I'm not sure I wanted to know that. This is the lifeboat station from the boat as we were heading out to sea. The water can get very choppy around the island and it's incredibly bracing. I could really taste the salt on my lips.
Later on we went into St. David's. Look... petals on my plate!! I think they were marigold petals, orange and yellow. So pretty! This was my starter at Morgan's - a Caerfai cheese souffle. I love it when restaurants source all their ingredients locally. I ate the petals too.
The next day we went to the very wild and romantic beach at Marloes. It has lots of little sheltered spots amongst the rocks when the tide's halfway in. Could have been some smuggling here in the past... what do you think Nà?
It's usually me who has to be rescued but for the first time ever P got stuck. There wasn't a thing I could do so I just took photos! Wicked aren't I? Don't worry, he did come down eventually.
P.s. On a completely different note I just want to say hello to my cousin, Mo. Hope you're reading. xx
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