Definitely more wrinkles than last year but no point obsessing over them! I had a lovely time on my birthday. For the first time in years we went to pizza hut for lunch where we had the tastiest pizza ever. Now usually I prefer thin base pizzas but this time we had a deep pan and ohhhhhhh it was delicious! I interrogated the waitress as to how they make them so tasty but she wouldn't tell me! Said it was a secret. I think it would be worth getting a job there just to find out!

The other real high point of the day was this amazing place. Tell me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure this is where they filmed the recent newspaper advert with the little boy pressing his hand up against the glass as a shark swims past. I tried to get Mr P to reenact it but he was too shy!

The tunnel where you can stand on the conveyor belt is amazing to go through. I loved seeing the fish swimming in shoals around us.

Mr P kept pretending to be eaten by the sharks. Can't take him anywhere ;-)

I laugh every time I look at this!
In the evening Mr P had booked a table at a swanky restaurant not far from where we live but we both admitted later that it hadn't been half as good as pizza hut! I know pizza is very calorific, but after eating onion soup which was literally a bowlful of cream with onion flavouring and gruyere I thought I would have to spend 3 hours on the dance mat the next day to burn it off!
So here I am, a little bit older. More comfortable in my own skin, more aware of who I am and that's it's ok not to be perfect and perfectly fine to make mistakes. It's all just a series of experiences, good and bad. I like to think when something bad happens that to balance things up something good will happen at a later date, especially when you have a run of bad luck. Like yin and yang. My french teacher used to say you make your own luck and I suppose that's true to a certain extent but you can't control everything. So that's how I deal with it. Incidentally I don't spend my life worrying that if things are great something will go wrong! That wouldn't work at all! Hopefully this will be a great year. There are some exciting things planned already!
Listen to me rambling on! Anyway, have a lovely weekend everyone whatever you're up to. :-)
your birthday already passed? oooh, then HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! it sounds like you had a wonderful time! the photos are really nice and that one made me giggle lots too!
i totally agree about the yin-yang nature of things and also that wrinkles are no problem (though from your photo you don't have any!) ...i think our own eyes are magnifying glasses in front of a mirror! i'm taking my collection of little wrinkles and random grey hairs as a sign of having experienced life up to now, which is ace!
have a fab weekend, ooh, and i'm most excited and intrigued about the package! thaaaankyoouuuu! :)
have a great weekend! and happy birthday wishes once again!
happy birthday, sounds like it was lovely, best wishes for a happy year ahead. x
ps. previous deleted comment was me, I was signed in with wrong email, not blog one......
My favourite is deep-pan. The Blue Reef Aquarium looks like an amazing place. I think Mr P looks quite convincing! Do you think we tend to focus more on the negatives, and less on the positives? x
Thank you for the birthday wishes :-)
Nadia - I am just lucky that the photo is a bit blurry! But I think that wrinkles give a face character so I'm not too worried :-)
Louise - I think you're right. I wish the news had just as many happy stories reported than scary/miserable/awful ones. It's human nature do you think? I do try to focus on the positive though and I feel that I'm a very lucky person to live the life that I do.
Happy belated birthday to you! I loved reading your comments on getting older. It is so wonderful to get more and more comfortable with one's self as one ages. I image by the time I'm fifty, I'll be pleased as punch with myself (at least I hope so)! Here's to happiness in this new year for you.
Happy Birthday, Lesley! Have fun on your adventure!! :D
aw! what agreat day!
a very happy LATE birthday to you!
that aquarium looks so wonderful-
great to "see" you too!
have a great adventure!
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