We've driven past the cotebrook shire horse centre loads of times and put it on the list of things to do one day... well that day was bank holiday monday.

We were expecting to see lots of shire horses but there was so much more there and the setting was so lovely. Like a rural idyll.

We were lucky to see the farriers in action. When they were putting the new shoes on the horse the smell of burning hoof was intense. Of course the horse didn't seem to mind but the poor lad with the horse's foot between his legs kept getting a facefull of steamy smoke. Bleurghh!!! The photo below makes me laugh... he probably needed a very long shower before his girlfriend would go near him!

Lots of different characters in the hen house. I would love to keep some hens! Definitely one day!

Lots of cute baby birds and bunnies.

And of course, lots of shire horses! Shire horses are such gentle giants. This one was having a bit of a stretch like a dog does and it made us giggle.

The pub next door has a lovely atmosphere and there was a cozy fire crackling away to keep us warm. It's a proper old traditional country pub, just how I love them the most. I giggled at the photos on the wall of shire horses waiting to be served at the bar!! I think we'll have to go back here for tea sometime.
As I love making lists, some other things we did over the weekend:
- a day out in chester... window shopping mostly
- a bit of gardening
- feeling really really lucky to have a pair of redpolls visiting the bird feeders again
- cake baking
- drinking cider and dancing around to a great local band called the cheeky monkeys
- chatting with friends
- a spot of decorating
- watching amelie... again!
- planning a camping trip for the summer
- getting excited about my birthday, more about this later!!
that all sounds so fun and exciting and lovely lesley, what an ace weekend! crikey! you fitted so much into it too! i am most intrigued about your summer camping trip and about your birthday plans! do tell more!!! :)
yippee! what a wonderful weekend- and i can't believe you saw otters!
Sounded like a fab weekend! Right up my street! Especially the horses and farriers things :-) made me think of holiday what with the pub visit too!
Thanks for stopping by me blog again, great to see you are back in blog land too, missed you whilst you were away :-( but now you is back and so is I!!! Will see if I can update my blog with a video of Monts when I get the chance catch you later! ;-) Grom x
Thanks for the comments everyone! I'm having a terrible day! My dremel got jammed, I made a complete mess of decorating my room (again!!) and my hairdresser has gone missing! Ever feel like you're banging your head against a brick wall? Anyway, your comments have cheered me up! Thanks guys x
I have really enjoyed the tour around the Shire Centre, and a place I would love to one day visit. What a treat to see the otters by the waterside. I love all the animals and the baby chick is just too sweet. Lucky to spot the redpolls over the weekend too! x
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